Batman Bobblehead
- 6 inches
- Made of polyresin
- Includes colorful collectors box
In his batsuit, wide cape, gloves, boots, close-fitting cowl and gold belt, Bobblehead Batman cuts a mysterious figure. Ready to save Gotham city, our muscular superhero is ever the man of the moment.
As the nation’s official repository for military records, the National Archives preserves many incredible stories of heroes, and it also includes superheroes. Published in 1939, Batman #1 was an exhibit in a 1940 copyright case titled Fox Publications, Inc., v. Detective Comics, Inc., Independent News Co., Inc., and Interborough News Co. Represented.
Bobblehead dolls originated in ancient China. Over centuries their evolution has been influenced by different cultures and fashions of the day. In the United States, bobblehead dolls gained popularity in the 1920s with the introduction of a New York Knicks baseball player collectors item. Advances in construction techniques and materials and the use of plastic instead of ceramic and other fragile substances has meant that current day bobbleheads may be mass produced as a durable collectible item.