In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle
In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle

In Their Footsteps: Kamala Harris 1,000 Piece Puzzle

  • 1,000 pieces
  • 27 X 19 inches
  • Kamala Harris blazed a trail of firsts to become our nation’s first woman vice president. Thanks to the tireless work of many brave women before her, she is able to hold this office. Honored together in this puzzle, Vice President Harris is joined by some of history’s extraordinary women: Susan B. Anthony, one of the most visible leaders of the women's suffrage movement; Harriet Tubman, who escaped enslavement and became a “conductor” in the Underground Railroad; Rosa Parks, the lady who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama; Ruby Bridges, the first African American child to desegregate an elementary school at just six years old; Shirley Anita Chisholm who was the first Black woman elected to Congress; and Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve as a justice on the United States Supreme Court.

  • Vice President Kamala Harris is the first woman to hold the second-highest leadership position in our nation’s government.

    In 1920, the newly ratified 19th Amendment prohibited the states from denying the vote on the basis of sex and secured American women’s right to vote in the Constitution. This landmark voting rights victory was made possible by decades of suffragists’ persistent political engagement.

    This persistence did not stop in the voting booth. Women continued the fight for equality by running for political office at all levels of local, state, and federal government—and winning.